Sons of The American Legion, Detachment of Texas
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Commander's Corner

Sons of The American Legion
Detachment of Texas
Eddy Seegers

Eddy Seegers
Commander Detachment of Texas


Message 8/14/19

From the Desk of Eddy Seegers,
It has been one month since the membership of the Sons of The American Legion Detachment of Texas voted me to the High Office of Detachment Commander. Probably the most profound thing I can say at this point is that I should be ready to fulfill this position from a position of knowledge and confidence about the same time as someone else is getting elected to the position next year. To use a phrase I used at a previous employer is that I simply “don’t know what I don’t know.” However, that being said, I can make the same promise today that I made all last year, I am going to give my all to serving to the best of my ability and make this a wonderful year for the Sons of The American Legion and for myself as well. I learn quickly, too.

I am a little late with this but I want to thank everyone who helped with the convention and my Welcome Room. I am avoiding naming names (with a few exceptions) because there were so many of you, I know I would forget someone. First, I do want to thank my biggest fan, supporter, and a Legion member, my mom Pat Seegers. The trip was tough on her physically but she was such a trooper. She was the one that signed me up to be an S.A.L. member before I even knew such an organization existed. She was also the S.A.L. Mother of the Year in 2016.

Next, I want to thank Ann Hartline who came in and took control of setting up my Welcome Room into a friendly and welcoming area. Thanks Ann, you took a load of pressure off of my mind.

Another who came in and took control was Dustin Fowler who assumed bartending duties like a pro. Dustin, your help was greatly appreciated and it allowed me the freedom to mix with the guests and visit the Legion Reception Rooms without worrying about mine.

The last individual I want to thank is most recent Past Detachment Commander Jon Kingston. Jon spent a year looking out for me and making sure that I was moving in the right direction. He also helped to unload the van with all of the supplies when I arrived. I wish I could continue to mention individuals but there were so many that I would be typing for a week and I would probably miss one or two or more. I will finish my thanks by simply saying thanks to the “Kerrville Boys”, the PDCs, and so many for the support, encouragement, and confidence you have shown in me. It inspires me to work even harder for you this year.

As I have mentioned many times already, this coming year is full of opportunities for the Sons. Department Commander Jeff Perkins and I have challenged our Divisions, Districts, Posts/Squadrons to aim for the 105% of goal targets for membership. With the passage of the LEGION Act by Congress, the available pool of members has grown tremendously for both organizations. Here in Texas, we have traditionally done a masterful job at attracting new members. Where we fail is keeping those members. Since my election as a Squadron Adjutant a few years ago, I have followed our membership and renewal rates closely. We run renewal rates from 75% to 80% every year. This means we rollover our membership every 4 to 5 years. As good as we are at signing up new members, if we could up our renewal rates to 90%, making 105% of goal won’t be a problem.

The coming months are going to be busy with the conventions, Fall DEC, and NEC. If any of you would like to have me out for an event, please try to get the invite to me as early as possible. Email is the preferred method of contact as I will have something that lasts as a reminder. Please don’t rely on word of mouth or a phone call. They are fine but back it up with an email. My email address is If you email me, the responsibility of the event getting on my calendar moves to me.

I am also on Facebook at Please drop me a quick message if you send a friend request to let me know that we are acquainted through the Sons, the Legion, Auxiliary, or the Riders. Otherwise I might be slow to respond while my aging mind tries to determine how I know you. I also have a Facebook Page dedicated to my activities as Commander. It can be found at It is a work in progress but it will be here where I will post my schedule and pics when I get them.

If I don’t see you before then, I hope to see you all in Austin at the Fall DEC.

For God and Country,


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Sons of The American Legion, Detachment of Texas.
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