Sons of The American Legion, Detachment of Texas
About Us Detachment Info Membership Downloads Links Home

from the Sons of The American Legion,
Detachment of Texas

  • Commander's Corner

  • Adjutants Notes

  • Chaplain's Corner

  • Officers

  • Committees

  • District Commanders

  • Past Detachment Commanders

  • Coming Events

  • National and Detachment
            News and Information

  • Pictures

  • Minutes of the Meetings

  • Programs

  • Awards

  • Child Welfare Foundation Donations 2023-2024

  • Child Welfare Foundation Fillable Donation Form

  • Child Welfare Foundation 2022-2023
            Banner Request Form

  • Public Relations Merchandise

  • VA&R News

  • VA&R Resources

  • Squadron Everlasting

  • Hurricane Harvey relief effort page.

  • Help us build a repository of our parents/grandparents whose service entitled us to membership in
    The Sons of The American Legion.

    Our Legacy
    Legacy Page


    Officers Training Guide

    Veterans Employment and Education Presentation
    What it is and why it is important.

    Veterans Employment and Education Presentation - Power Point Presentation

    Veterans Employment and Education Presentation - PDF file

    SAL Premable

    SAL Premable Presentation
    - Power Point Presentation

    SAL Premable Presentation
    - PDF file

    The Sons of The American Legion
    Department of Texas
    PO Box 140527
    Austin, TX 78714

    Copyright © 1999 - 2024
    Sons of The American Legion, Detachment of Texas.
    All Rights Reserved