Division, District and Squadron Commanders. While reviewing our membership renewal rate for 2014, I am disappointed to report that we are at 79.54% which
puts Texas 43 out of 54 Detachments. Guys, we are losing 20% of our active members each year.
I would like to hear some comments from both sides of the fence. For those Squadrons that have a traditionally low renewal rate, why? Are dual members dying, are members losing interest with us because of lack of activities within the Squadron, what is going on?
For those Squadrons with above average to high renewal rates, what advice can you give as to how you are getting members to renew.
This is a serious concern. If you do the math, losing 20% per year means that we basically turn over our entire membership of over 6000 every 5 years.
C’mon guys….we can do better than that. We can discuss a realistic goal at Fall D.E.C. Until then, let’s work our membership, work our programs and as always, have P.R.I.D.E.
Promote Recruit Instill
Dedicate Educate.
For God and Country,
Thom Skelley
State Commander
Sons of The American Legion
Detachment of Texas