Sons of The American Legion, Detachment of Texas
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Commander's Message 2-1-2015

Sons of TheAmerican Legion
Detachment of Texas
Thom Skelley

Thom Skelley Commander
Thom Skelley
El Paso Squadron 598

Fellow Sons,

You all continue to amaze me! Once again the Sons of The American Legion, Detachment of Texas looked like SUPERSTARS at the Midwinter DEC. There were multiple dual members that sat in on our meetings, and their comments were nothing short of stellar. From the way we conducted business to the unselfish donations, both monetary and service hours reported, the Sons’ “stock” is on the rise. As Kevin stated, this was the first year (that he can remember) that the Detachment Sgt at Arms was involved in posting OUR colors at the joint session, great job Mr. Watson. Asst. Sgt at Arms Jackie Matthews participated by standing a post and rotating positions with The American Legion and Auxiliary. A special thank you to Alonzo Caulvillo and Eddie Seegers for filling in for our Americanism and Public Relations Chairmen. Well done gentlemen!

National Vice Commander Keith was very impressed regarding the efficiency and professionalism in which our reports were given, and the how well everyone did their job. So once again, I would like to extend my sincere gratitude and appreciation to each and every one of you for another highly successful DEC. YOU GUYS ROCK!!!

For God and Country,
Thom Skelley
State Commander
Sons of The American Legion
Detachment of Texas

For God and Country,
Thom Skelley
State Commander
Sons of The American Legion
Detachment of Texas


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Sons of The American Legion, Detachment of Texas.
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