Please disseminate to all Squadrons. Thank you. Still not right but try and make it right.
Kevin Winkelmann
Detachment Adjutant
From: Mook, Kevin M.
Sent: Monday, February 3, 2025 7:57 AM
Subject: myLegion activity by Squadron
This is a report showing what squadrons are processing membership through myLegion.
The date range is from July 1, 2024, to the present; if no date is given, it means they have not used it.
myLegion activity by Squadron
Thank you,
Kevin Mook

The SAL Squadron Commander of the Year - Award Criteria and Nomination Form have been revised/posted on the national SAL website that can be downloaded by clicking
or Attached PDF.
SAL Squadron Commander of the Year - Award Criteria and Nomination Form

Gentlemen of the Sons of The American Legion in Texas, the United States of America, and around the world,
This is a reminder that Commander Alva's homecoming is quickly approaching (15 Feb) and the deadline to sign up to attend is even faster (7 Feb). Let's make this a great night for the Commander by having a great turnout for the event.
The menu has been determined. It will include Pork Steaks, Cowboy Potatoes, and green beans. To RSVP and get your name on the list to attend, you can email at Payment methods are listed on the attached flyer.
Again, I encourage as many of you as possible to attend and honor our Detachment Commander.

click image for full size flyer
For God and Country,
Eddy Seegers
Adjutant, Squadron 179
Sons of The American Legion
Detachment of Texas
Member, VA&R Commission
PDC - Detachment of Texas
January Millennium Newsletter

2025 Boys State Application Process

National Commander Report 12-09-24

Check out our new feature "Thom's Travels, flyers, activities and pictures while on his campaign.
Thom's Travels
We also have started a facebook group to document his activities.
Check out the 2025 Detachment of Texas Shirts, Caps and more