To all, I will be in our Detachment Office on Friday, from approx. 11:30-1:30 (hours may change) if anyone needs to stop by to discuss any ongoing items, make copies or just to visit and chat. Thank you
Kevin Winkelmann
Detachment Adjutant
he American Legion urges you to contact your members of Congress today and encourage them to pass the Guard and Reserve GI Bill Parity Act!
Today at the National Convention of The Sons of The American Legion, Past National Commander Kevin Winkelmann nominated Thom Skelley as the Trailing Candidate for National Commander 2026-2027.
It has come to my attention that there are some PUFL applications out there that have the wrong name and address for submitting. If any of you, and I know Squadron 504 has some, have a PUFL application with Steve Slaughter's name and address on it, dispose of them now. They are not to be used at any time. The only address to be used is mine. Otherwise, your application will be returned.
Kevin Winkelmann
Detachment Adjutant
9235 Mcdade
Houston, TX 77080
Kevin Winkelmann
Detachment Adjutant
Note from Webmaster
I have scanned the website and can find only the correct version of the PUFL Application. If you have found it via the web please email me at and let me know where you found it.
Detachment Commander 2023-2024 Fowler picked this a project he would like to get your support, so if you can, as you close out your year make a donation to this project. We will also be doing 1000 turkeys at Thanksgiving.