Detachment of Texas Awards
The Awards Committee accept nominations for the annual awards until May 31st.
Award Criteria
S.A.L. Member of the Year Award
S.A.L. Dual Member of the Year Award
Adjutant of the Year Award
Advisor of the Year Award
Boys State Member of the Year Award
Mother of the Year Award
Below are the links to the nomination forms to make it easier toget all the information needed to make your selection.
Please give us as much information about the nominee as possible.
Your application may be rejected if unreadable.
Awards Nomination Form word document
Awards Nomination Form pdf version
Boys State Awards Nomination Form word document
Texas Boys State Awards Nomination Form pdf version
Veterans Affairs and Rehabilitation Volunteer of the Year Award
VAR Volunteer of the Year Award Nomination Form word document
VAR Volunteer of the Year Award Nomination Form pdf version
Application for all award may be sent to Ed Parnell, Awards Chairman